Saturday, March 14, 2009

Why do men just disappear?

(source: poshrat - ... for my own reference so reproducing it here in full...)

He's playing you because he can..that's it pure and simple Lass. For him it's a confirmation his 'technique' still works, and he likes to keep in practice using you as his 'sounding board'

No doubt he boasts to his buddies he can 'have you any time he wants', and uses the same pretty phrases on every lass he meets just to prove it to himself as well.

Men are easy to understand in that bruised his ego by walking, he is getting back at you for as long as you will let him..and if you have fallen for the line 'Let's do it one more time for old times sake' he'll just keep coming back for more.

Once you realise which head is attracted to you, you'll realise the other one is just saying what you want to that clear enough?

OT..I think the main problem of why men walk without SAYING why..comes back to the case of the vanishing chivalry and Gentlemanly behaviour..they haven't been taught how to.

Too much emphasis on the Man being the Hunter..and developing his technique to get a girl, and a complete loss of what to do next once he's got one..and more importantly, how do depart gracefully if she isn't what he was seeking in the first place!

Men are physical beings for the most part. They are attracted to the appearance of a Lass, and , sad to say, the USUAL first thought is how to 'conquer ' her resistance and bed her.( Okay guys don't all protest that isn't so in your case..I am just trying to simplify things a little here for the ladies who have undergone the normal proceedure)

IF he succeeds early in the game...and it is a game, try and understand that fact..then he is faced with complications.Either she was darned good in bed and he has to make some form of commitment to keep her..or she thought he was damned good, and she sees it as a commitment to her.

Either way...he is now in a situation too deep to extract himself from easily. Visions of tearful sessions, guilt trips laid on him (ie you only wanted me for my body etc) and all the other Hollywood, TV drama scenes come to his he opts for the classic 'riding off into the sunset ending, leaving the heroine stoically biting her lip, and waving once he is too far away to see her tears.

The other scenario of course, is that his well tried and well worn technique doesn't succeed in bedding his intended in the time space he alloted, ergo she isn't his sort of woman, and just about any reason/excuse is enough for him to off and search again for a more willing word of why..or at best maybe hints of boredom when with her, and mumbled promises of 'I'll call you later in the week' etc.

Men are simple to understand , Ladies. They put a lot of effort into baiting the hook, playing the line and securing the catch, once they have overcome fear of rejection..which takes a lot out of them to begin with.
Once the fish is on the hook, so to speak they now have to go through another learning process..and have to come to a decision...either pull it on board and that's it for fishing any more...another long involved learning curve...or cut the line and let it go....and the easy way out is the one they normally choose!

Yes..I was guilty of such behaviour 'when I was a lad'..until my very Victorian Father found out and chewed my ears off for such 'un-gentlemanly manners'!

As he made quite clear ..ending an involvement is never easy, but it takes a MAN to be able to do it gracefully...only BOYS run away when the going gets tough.


Wanjiru said...

well said....!

Anonymous said...

from a lass who has seen this...well said...most of them are not MEN